We all have our own rhythm …

Get the best out of your people and grow.

• • • Organizational Development Consulting & Executive Leaderhip Coaching • • •

Advance teamwork, communication, and performance, strengthening employee adaptability, engagement, and long-term success.

Reaching well beyond traditional HR, creatively align people and team development goals with your organization’s evolving operational and strategic needs.

This creates continual win-win outcomes, combining intimate knowledge of the organization with the psychological and emotional makeup of your people.

Unsurprisingly, this also impacts your bottom-line, exponentially reducing burnout, on/off-boarding, turnover, and hiring associated costs.

Organizational Development (our secret sauce).

A simple example.

Luna is a valuable ABC employee, productive, and well-aligned with the company’s mission. However, after ABC’s recent acquisition and shift in focus, Luna increasingly began to feel disengaged and uncertain about her future. While ABC recognizes the financial and organizational value employees like Luna bring when engaged, salary bumps and title changes have been ineffective. Privately Luna considers leaving, and ABC contemplates ramping up hiring to fill the gap and attend to their changing needs.

While hiring can be uncertain, and turnover costly, so too are disengaged and conflicted employees.

So what’s the answer?

The above example mirrors a project we conducted with Two Hat, a live-chat moderation service, after being acquired by Microsoft.

Consistently address evolving needs ‘in house’.

Elicit measurable impacts on your bottom-line in the immediate, and systemic cultural and financial success in the long-term.

Better attend to questions like …

Are staff across departments prepared to support and lead as hiring ramps up? 

Are managers well-adapted to their own emotional blindspots, patterns and triggers that impact their team’s performance

Are certain personnel at risk of burnout or turnover, and how are they proactively addressed?

How do you develop diverse under-utilized perspectives, while preserving core culture? 

What human investments create the largest positive ‘network effect’?

This is what we do. This is our secret sauce.

This is Rhythm.